Based on the latest installment of the Luigis Mansion franchise, Luigis Mansion 3, available now on Nintendo Switch. Luigis invited to the towering Last Resort hotel, but when Mario and friends go missing, our green-clad hero will have to conquer his fears to save them! Can Luigi make it through floor after floor of scary ghosts, spooky puzzles, and terrifying bosses? Maybe! After all, hes equipped with Professor E. Gadds latest ghost-hunting gear. This expertly designed 9 PVC painted statue features Luigi with his powerful new Poltergust G-00! Hes ready for action!
Number of Pieces: 1
Weight: 2.1 pounds
Maximum Height: 9.0 inches
Minimum Height: 9.0 inches
Indoor/Outdoor: Indoor
Material: PVC (Polyvinyl Chloride)
Battery: No Battery Used